Cardsharing Tutorials

HOW-TO Streaming from the PC to the BOX

To configure the Dreambox to watch media files from your PC you will need an Add-on on the dbox. Fortunately this is easy job:
Step 1.
From the box you go to the Addons (blue panel -> download (Gemini-Server)->plugins->VLCF-Final RC2 –or whatever if by the time you read this there is a new version)
Step 2.
Now you have to download a piece of software for the PC – a great one by the way. Go to and download the latest version (VideoLan 0.86c)
Step 3.
Install the Videolan software; you may want to include the Mozilla plug-in during the installation. Then there will be a shortcut on your desktop:
Click right mouse button on it , click “Properties”
In the Properties window under the tab “Shortcut” – add –intf wxwin –extraintf=http after the target location. For example: „C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe” –intf wxwin –extraintf=http

*This will start the VLC with web-interface

Step 4.
Now it’s time to configure the part on the dreambox. This will happen by modifying an .XML file.
Use FTP client to access your box. You can use IE if you want (on IE7 after accessing your ftp site – press “Alt” then View -> Open FTP Site in Window Explorer)
Find vlcf_original.xml – it is located in /var/tuxbox/config/


Copy the file in your PC. Now you can edit it. Open the file with WordPad.
Inside you will see a lot of thing. This plugin allows you to configure 4 servers. We will limit this manual to just one. So look for set1


The values are:
* IP =The IP address of your PC
* Stream-port = by default 9090 some suggest changing to 1335 (not sure this is necessary).
** User = If you didn’t mess with the VLC configuration, leave this as it is
** Pass = same as the above
Then you have to tell vlcf where you files and DVD drive are.
startdir=”d:” cddrive=”g:”
startdir – is the place where the media files are. You have to share this folder (volume) in the PC
Now that your changes are set, you need to Save As.. this file as – vlcf.xml – or if you want click save and then rename the vlcf_original.xml to vlcf.xml (erase the “original” part).
Now upload back that vlcf.xml from where it came from – copy-paste to /var/tuxbox/config/ on the box.
You are ready. Now you should be able to use the plugin. I found some additional steps described, I don’t really know what deferens they make but I made them and as far as I can tell – they don’t do any harm.
Step 5.



Now you are really ready. Start VLC on the PC using the shortcut.
With the remote of the box, pres yellow button (usually). You will see the VLC-Frontend plugin. Select it. If you did all right, on the TV you will see a list of files from the “startdir” on your PC – select-enjoy


  1. explains how to install newcamd 5.18 on original images, WITHOUT UNPACKING THEM, and without headaches ))
    Only 15 steps:

    1) install an original DMM image (I used latest beta 108_2)

    2) Create directory /var/bin, from Telnet:
    mkdir /var/bin [enter]

    3) On newcamd 5.18 zip (unzipped) archive, rename the file newcamd.ppc to newcamd and copy it to /var/bin (with a FTP proggy)

    4) On newcamd 5.18 archive, rename the file betad.dream to betad and copy it to /var/bin (with a FTP proggy)

    5) On newcamd 5.18 archive, rename the file cardserver.dream to cardserver and copy it to /var/bin (with a FTP proggy)

    6) Now give permissions 755 to all these files just copied, from Telnet:
    chmod 755 /var/bin/* [enter]

    7) Create directory /var/lib, from Telnet:
    mkdir /var/lib [enter]

    Get (from newcamd archive) the library „” and put it to /var/lib (with a FTP proggy)

    9) Now the hardest part… ))
    Copy the following lines, all together.
    Then paste them into Telnet window and press [enter] key, when Telnet window end scrolling.
    These lines will build the 3 files needed for configuring newcamd and cardserver (with original cards), and the init file for starting emu and cardserver at boot.

    10) let’s start with „newcamd.conf”, all needed settings:

    CFG=”/var/tuxbox/config/newcamd.conf” && \
    echo „DEMUX_API = 2” > $CFG && \
    echo „BOX_TYPE = DM7000” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CONTROL_WORD_DEVICE = CA” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CA_API = 3” >> $CFG && \
    echo „GTX_OUTPUT_MODE = 16” >> $CFG && \
    echo „PMT_UPDATE_WATCH = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMU = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „PREFER_EMU = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DISABLE_CAM = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CAM_CASYS = 17” >> $CFG && \
    echo „AU = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_ALL_CA_SYSTEMS = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „OSD = none” >> $CFG && \
    echo „OSD_WEB_LOGIN = root:dreambox” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CA_INFO_FILE = /tmp/cainfo.txt” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEBUG_ECM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEBUG_EMM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEBUG_CWS = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEBUG_CAM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEBUG_CAM_HEX = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_CW = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_PAT = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_PMT = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_ECM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_CAT = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_EMM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_CWS_ECM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SHOW_CWS_EMM = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM_REPORT_WRONG_SIG = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „OSD_WAIT_TIME = 2000” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEFAULT_CW_DELAY = 500” >> $CFG && \
    echo „RELOAD_CONFIG_ON_ZAP = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „RELOAD_KEYLIST_ON_ZAP = no” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CWS = dreambox 10000 root dreambox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserver” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CWS = dreambox 10001 root dreambox 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserver” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CWS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CWS_INCOMING_PORT = 12000” >> $CFG && \
    echo „CWS_DEBUG_PORT = 12001” >> $CFG && \
    echo „ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00″ >> $CFG

    11) and now cardserv.cfg – same as before: remember to press [enter] after pasting of the lines:

    CFG=”/var/tuxbox/config/cardserv.cfg” && \
    echo „DESKEY = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14” > $CFG && \
    echo „SERVER_NAME = cardserver” >> $CFG && \
    echo „DEBUG_PORT = 12002” >> $CFG && \
    echo „ENTITLEMENT_PORT = 12003” >> $CFG && \
    echo „ADMIN_PORT = 12004” >> $CFG && \
    echo „ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00” >> $CFG && \
    echo „USER = root dreambox lan dreambox 12000” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SERIAL_PORT = 0” >> $CFG && \
    echo „TCP_PORT = 10000” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM-G = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM-S = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM-U = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SPECIAL_FEATURES = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SERIAL_PORT = 1” >> $CFG && \
    echo „TCP_PORT = 10001” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM-G = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM-S = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „EMM-U = yes” >> $CFG && \
    echo „SPECIAL_FEATURES = yes” >> $CFG

    12) AND, finally… ))
    the start file (init).
    We can’t obviously edit the standard rcS file, because we haven’t unpacked the image, as our goal is to install newcamd 5.18 without unpacking… ))
    So, we will use /var/etc/init instead.

    Here’s Our last cut&paste for building /var/etc/init:

    IN=”/var/etc/init” && \
    echo „touch /tmp/.enigma” > $IN && \
    echo „while [ -e /tmp/.enigma ]” >> $IN && \
    echo „do” >> $IN && \
    echo „rm -rf /tmp/camd.socket” >> $IN && \
    echo „/var/bin/cardserver” >> $IN && \
    echo „/var/bin/newcamd” >> $IN && \
    echo „/bin/enigma” >> $IN && \
    echo ‘ret=$?’ >> $IN && \
    echo ‘case $ret in’ >> $IN && \
    echo „0)” >> $IN \
    echo „rm /tmp/.enigma” >> $IN && \
    echo „/sbin/halt” >> $IN && \
    echo „;;” >> $IN && \
    echo „3)” >> $IN && \
    echo „killall -9 newcamd” >> $IN && \
    echo „killall -9 cardserver” >> $IN && \
    echo „rm /tmp/.enigma” >> $IN && \
    echo „umount /var” >> $IN && \
    echo „umount /hdd” >> $IN && \
    echo „sleep 2” >> $IN && \
    echo „/tmp/reboot” >> $IN && \
    echo „;;” >> $IN && \
    echo „4)” >> $IN && \
    echo „rm /tmp/.enigma” >> $IN && \
    echo „/sbin/reboot” >> $IN && \
    echo „;;” >> $IN && \
    echo „*)” >> $IN && \
    echo „;;” >> $IN && \
    echo „esac” >> $IN && \
    echo „killall -9 newcamd” >> $IN && \
    echo „killall -9 cardserver” >> $IN && \
    echo „done” >> $IN && \
    echo „/sbin/reboot” >> $IN && \
    chmod 755 $IN

    13) If you want, you can check now for the presence of the three auto-builded files:

    14) Restart Dreambox!

    15) DONE!!! After restarting, you’ll have an original image with Newcamd 5.18 installed and working.
    It is that easy!! )))

    If you do flash erase, you will lost all the insterted and edited files… so… DON’T do flash erase! ))

  2. If you want to build your own card SeasonInterface , here is instrucrions for you

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  4. CCCAM setup in Opticum HD 9600, HD TS 9600, S20, TS20

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  8. salut baieti vreau sa fac sharing intre 2 rec opticum 7100 cr si 1 globo7010 cr. ce soft imi trebuie ca nu reusesc de loc am incercat si prin cablu si prin switchbox si nimic cand il pun pe al treilea se blocheaza tot. va rog ajutatima. am un card focus activ.

  9. Salut pe toti PARTICIPANTII DE AICI Cum pot face sharing intre 2 receivere dreambox in casa?

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  10. satelitinew

    iti multumesc pt raspuns
    dar in youtube nu este configurare pt a face sharing intre 2 receivere dreambox in casa… daca poti ,te rog sa-mi explici ce si cum trebe sa fac in cccam.cfg pt ca eu sint incepator si nu am inteles prea multe de la youtube iti multumesc din nou anticipat pt raspuns


  11. BlackPanther_sharing_EN.pdf

  12. cum pot sa bag programele tv pe var bin din dreambox 500

    By Digital
    Programmi: VLC Media Player
    Browser Firefox (con Internet Explorer 6 questa procedura non
    Attenzione: Per sfruttare questa funzione sia il PC che il Decoder
    devono essere collegati alla rete.
    Accendere il Dreambox
    Sul Pc collegato a internet digitare nella barra degli indirizzi l’IP del
    vostro Dreambox (i dati da me inseriti 192.168.x.x sono fittizzi)
    Quando si apre questa finestra digitare Nome utente e password del
    Se i dati inseriti sono giusti si aprirà la finestra di configurazione del
    Dreambox (foto sottostante)
    Selezionare il canale che interessa guardare (in questo caso COMING
    SOON) e premere, in alto a destra, su VLC
    Si aprirà questa finestra
    Premere su Sfoglia e selezionare il programma VLC.
    Se non è presente su quelli in evidenza premere in basso su Sfoglia
    e selezionare il percorso dove si trova il programma VLC.
    Al termine si aprirà questa finestra
    Premere su Ok
    E questo è il risultato finale
    Funzioni secondarie di VLC
    Se durante la visione notate che ci sono delle immagini interessanti e volete
    salvarle basta premere su Video e poi su Schermata. Il fotogramma verrà
    salvato nella cartella Documenti\Immagini nel formato PNG.

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